Thursday, January 24, 2008


People do not often turn out how you imagined them to be. Yes. This includes people whom you thought you really "knew." While I accept that there's no such thing as a perfect person, there are just some things I thought that people I knew would not do. Ever. And of course, they end up doing it.

Not that doing the unexpected is a bad thing of course. But there are just some things that really tick me off.

1. Pulling strings to get what one wants
2. Going behind my back to do sneaky things on another one of my friends
3. Fishing for information when one really knows what happened (because, duh, refer to numbers 1 and 2.)

When I trust friends, I really do trust them. Now, I am thinking that I really should be careful. Who knows but I might be the next target.


me said...

added you to my blog roll.

Anonymous said...

Hi tin! Hope you're fine. :)

lucas said...

crap...there was a time when a close friend betrayed my trust...but eventually i forgave her, but at the back of my head, i can't help but have second is a very valuable thing to lose...

--i added you to my roll.thanks!

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